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Covering adult and child first aid in schools.

This course is designed to give you the theoretical knowledge needed to learn how to help with a medical emergency in a school setting. This course does not seek to replace a practical course but allows you to undertake online training and learn these vital skills at a time and place to suit you.

This course is an excellent first aid training package for all school staff to gain invaluable knowledge. It is impossible to cover all eventualities within this course, or to equip you with the knowledge and skills to appropriately diagnose and treat in unpredictable real life situations. If you suspect illness or injury, you should always seek immediate professional medical advice.

The course consists of illustrated step-by-step directions, flow charts, diagrams, videos and a short test yourself section fully compatible with all computers and mobile devices. You will be able to stop and start as often as you like and on completion you will be able to print your certificate.

The author has made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information contained within the course, however this course is merely a guide and the author does not accept any liability or responsibility for any inaccuracies or for any mistreatment or misdiagnosis of any person, however caused.

Course Delivery


Action in an emergency

Keep yourself safe

Priorities of treatment

Preparing for an emergency

Helpful information

What to put in your first aid kit

Information to give the emergency services

Role of the first aider

The primary survey – how to help in an emergency





Unresponsive and breathing

Recovery position

How to put someone into the recovery position

Secondary survey

Unconscious and not breathing


Resuscitating a child

Hygiene during CPR

Compression-only resuscitation

Heart attack and angina

Breathing problems

Anaphylactic shock

Wounds and bleeding

How to treat a bleeding wound

How to treat a bleeding wound


Embedded objects

How much blood can you afford to lose?

Symptoms of shock


Treatment of shock

Internal bleeding

Amputated parts

Knocked out teeth

Eye injuries

Nose bleeds

Types of wounds


Bites and stings

Animal bites

Bee stings


What to do with a burn

Assessing the severity of a burn

Causes of burns


Size, Cause, Age, Location, Depth

Electrical burns

Treating a burn

Dressing a burn

Breaks, sprains and dislocations

Head injuries

Head injuries

What to look for and what to do

Suspected brain injury

Compression and concussion

Skull fracture

Spinal injuries


Extremes of body temperature

Medical conditions


Low blood sugar/Hypoglycaemia

Sickle cell disease

Useful advice

Accident forms

Final lesson, quiz and certificate

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Onlinefirstaid.com is the leading UK provider of Online First Aid courses straight from experts; empowering people to learn these vital skills easily and conveniently when it suits them.

Onlinefirstaid.com courses are comprehensive stand-alone training empowering people to conveniently learn vital skills straight from experts in a clear step by step approach accompanied by easy to follow videos and test yourself sections.

The courses are designed to provide;

  • Pre-learning for people with English as a second language prior to attending  an accredited qualification
  •  Easy Verifiable CPD - download your own certificate
  • A simple solution to Corporate and Social Responsibility – an ideal way to  provide a valuable resource to support and upskill staff, improve their  safety and wellbeing, without the need for cover.
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